Mp3 Download song Pirates of Penzance Poor Wandering One! FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Pirates of Penzance song lyrics

Pirates of Penzance - Poor Wandering One! Lyrics


Poor wand'ring one!
Though thou hast surely strayed,
Take heart of grace,
Thy steps retrace,
Poor wand'ring one!

Poor wand'ring one!
If such poor love as mine
Can help thee find
True peace of mind-
Why, take it, it is thine!

Take heart, no danger low'rs;
Take any heart but ours!

Take heart, fair days will shine;
Take any heart -- take mine!

Take heart; no danger low'rs;
Take any heart -- but ours!

Take heart, fair days will shine;
Take any heart -- take mine!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Poor wand'ring one!
Though thou hast surely strayed,
Take heart of grace,
Thy steps retrace,

Poor wand'ring
one! Poor wand'ring one!
Ah, ah! Ah, ah,
ah! Poor wandr'ing one!
Ah, ah! Ah, ah, ah!
Fair days will shine, Take heart,
Take heart, Take heart,
Take mine! Take any heart
Take heart! but ours!
Take heart!
Take heart!
mine! Take heart, no danger lowr's;
Take any heart but ours!
Ah, ah! Take heart, take heart,
Ah! Take any heart but ours,
Take heart! Take hear
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